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What is NasBooking ?

NasBooking is a complex information system for effective management of the travel agencies. NasBooking is distributed as a service (Saas - Software as a Service).

With NasBooking you can:

Create and enter the tourism products NasBooking supports input and creation of various tourism products (hotels, boats, apartments, villas, tours ...). All products can be described or presented through the attributes and photos, price lists, the basic and additional services, discounts and available capacity (if any).

Sell tourism products via Internet or telephone (B2C) All your products can be easily published on the Internet and you can allow visitors of your web site to find and book suitable accommodation or tour. If you have your own capacities or you work with your supplier on allotment basis, it is possible to allow guests direct reservation and credit card payment. Otherwise visitors of the web site could create inquiry and pay upon receiving the offer. NasBooking also supports the possibility of selling to customers who are still using the classic booking (by phone or direct arrival in office). In addition to pre-defined products, it is possible to sell ad-hoc products that are not in your catalogue.

Sell tourism products to your partners (B2B) To enable your partners to quickly reach the information, you can can create an access code for each partner so that they can search your offer and create a reservation. It is possible to assign different commission (discount) to each partner so that is calculated when making reservation.

Monitor the reservation process and prepare all supporting documentation Track reservation process from the moment when the customer places an inquiry or makes the reservation (by phone, online or by coming to the agency) until the moment when the supplier sends you invoices for services ordered. During the whole reservation process, you can get various information about the reservation (customer, guests, booked accommodation, price, amount of outstanding payment, price difference ...) NasBooking supports creation of documents that arise during the reservation process: offers, pre-invoices, invoices, vouchers, announcements, money receipts.

Manage groups of guests NasBooking can help you to easier organize a tour or an event. The tour may consist of several stages, each stage can have several different accommodation (hotel, villas, private accommodation, stateroom) or transportation (bus, flight). It is easy to calculate the selling price by entering net prices of all the services that are included in a tour and by adding your margin. You can get rooming or bus/flight list report at any time. Later it is possible to make group vouchers and enter vendor invoices in order to see the actual difference in price.

NasBooking.com @ 2014 - 2019